DAY 3: Think bigger and beyond MISSIONALLY
Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 (Amplified)
Today, we come to the crux of Jesus’ commission which is an OUTWARD call to go into a lost and dying world to share the good news of His death and resurrection. For many of us this can be a daunting prospect, but once again, we are reminded that this isn’t something we do in our own strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit, ‘”But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 NIV. This scripture implies that we start where we are – in our localities. Each of us has a sphere – be that family, friends, work colleagues or neighbours. God loves them so much and longs for them to come to know Him as their heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit wants to empower each of us to sensitively but boldly share the good news of the gospel with them.
As we go out and more people come to faith, we need to make room for them as they come in. We will have to think bigger and beyond what we are currently doing. This may mean putting on more services, moving venues, expanding existing buildings or building new ones, or piloting different gatherings in the region. It also means raising up more leaders to help look after the people who God is entrusting us with. Let’s remind ourselves that the key scripture we’ve been focusing on, encourages us to, ‘think infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams.’ That’s both exciting and challenging, all at the same time!
Looking further afield, as a church, we’re sensing a growing calling to impact the nation and the nations. This includes continuing with our online Sunday services and initiatives like the Easter 2024 campaign ALIVE, an evangelistic project, which KingsGate, Hope Together, and the Bible Society have collaborated on, to help resource churches in the nation to be strengthened and equipped to share the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Also, in October 2024, we will be launching a new Learning Community called Partnering for Purpose, working together with many networks to help equip leading churches from around the UK and Europe. We’ll be gathering together to encourage each other and learn from one another to see God’s kingdom continue to expand and grow.
As well as expanding regionally and nationally, the Lord is also calling us to think bigger and beyond internationally. It is wonderful that there are people from all different ethnic backgrounds and cultures who call KingsGate their ‘home’, many having moved to the UK from all around the world. As we look ahead, let’s celebrate and embrace what God is doing among us, as this gives us a small glimpse of what worship in heaven looks like, ‘After this I [John] looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.’ Revelation 7:9. As we gather together as the people of God to worship Him, let’s believe that many more people from every nation, tribe and tongue will be drawn into His glorious presence and make Him their Lord and Saviour.
We’re also called to have an in impact ‘to the ends of the earth’. Hundreds of people within KingsGate sponsor children from all over the world through Compassion and other child sponsorship charities. Many of these children go on to become strong Christians as a result of the spiritual, practical, medical and educational benefits that these sponsorship programmes provide. In the season ahead, we’ll also be looking at how we can strengthen our partnerships with fruitful ministries around the world that are ministering to people’s needs and seeing people come to faith in Christ. Over the last 12 years we have sought to make this tangible primarily by developing meaningful links to some great kingdom organisations working in other parts of the world; especially Bulembu in Eswatini and Heart for Lebanon in the Middle East. This has been done first and foremost through prayer and giving significant financial help to meet specific needs. Some members of the church have also had the privilege of visiting these places and seeing firsthand the amazing work God is doing. Let’s continue to seek God as to what part He would have us play in seeing the gospel proclaimed in word and deed ‘to the ends of the earth’.
God’s plan for enlarging His kingdom is so simple – one person telling another about the saviour. Yet, we’re busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone’s eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you’ll have when you meet that person in heaven will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel.
– Charles Stanley
by Simon Deeks
Prayer points
- Pray for all those involved in putting together the ALIVE campaign; wisdom for the team, as they work hard to ensure that all the resources are ready in time for Easter, including short inspirational videos, small group notes, youth resources and the publication of the ALIVE book.
- Pray for all those involved in the launch of the new Learning Community in October 2024; for continued unity amongst the church leaders who are helping to put the programme together and for those putting the new website and Learning Community Hub together. Pray that all the practicalities and logistics will go well in this preparation season.
- Bulembu (Eswatini) Please pray for unusual wisdom and strengthening grace for key leaders, especially for Kevin and Helen Ward, and Vernon and Leigh Puttkammer, as they lead in a time of great economic and social turmoil within that nation.
- Heart for Lebanon – as well as praying for peace to come to the Middle East region, pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all that H4Lare putting their hands to, especially as they reach out to tens of thousands of displaced families – in refugee camps, through their schools and disciple making ministry.
- Pray for Carmel and Ioana Ciurdas as they lead an Alpha course in Cluj, Romania; that the Lord would do something ‘infinitely beyond their greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams’. Pray for significant friendships to be built and that those attending give their lives to Jesus and go on to become pillars of the church in Cluj.
- Pray for the Russian Alpha Course; a small group of people are meeting in a home and using the Alpha resources which have been translated into Russian. Pray that the Lord would do something very special among them as they gather together and discover the truth of who Jesus is and what He’s done for them.
- Pray for the global success and expansion of Alpha which has been translated into 112 different languages with over 28 million people having attended worldwide. Pray for Nicky and Pippa Gumbel as they continue to head up Alpha International; for health, strength and wisdom and as they work to make Alpha available to everyone on the planet by 2033, which is the 2,000 year anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus.