DAY 18
The Readiness of the Gospel of Peace & The Shield of Faith

‘…and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.’ Ephesians 6:15-16

We continue to explore our call to stand firm and prevail against spiritual enemies by putting on the full armour of God. Today, we focus on the next two pieces: the readiness of the gospel of peace and the shield of faith.

The Readiness of the Gospel of Peace:
Paul refers to having our ‘feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace’. Although the specific type of footwear is not mentioned, it is likely that Paul envisions the Roman soldier’s leather boots with studs to enhance footing. The concept of readiness here is crucial. It’s possible that this readiness is something that we have as a result of us receiving the message of the gospel of peace. However, it is more likely that it should be best understood as ‘the readiness to announce the Good News of peace’ (GNT). This is more in line with the prophecy of Isaiah, which clearly stands behind this passage, ‘How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”’ Isaiah 52:7. The essence of the gospel is that Christ is our peace, reconciling us to God and to one another. Being ready to share this good news helps liberate those held captive by spiritual forces of evil.

The Shield of Faith:
Taking up the ‘shield of faith’ is vital for extinguishing ‘all the flaming arrows of the evil one’. In ancient armies, including the Roman legions, the shield was a significant defensive tool. Roman shields were large and rectangular, often covered with calfskin and dampened to put out flaming arrows. Similarly, faith acts as a shield against the enemy’s attacks. This faith is not merely an objective truth but a personal trust in God and His promises. It’s our faith in God, our protector, rather than faith in our own abilities.


by Phil Timson



“The gospel of peace is a message that brings tranquillity to the soul and equips us with the readiness to advance in spiritual warfare. Our faith acts as a shield, guarding our hearts and minds from the assaults of the evil one, reinforcing our stance as victors in Christ.”

– Charles Spurgeon - preacher and theologian


Prayer points

    • Let’s take a moment to thank the Lord for each of our testimonies that bring glory to His name and serve as wonderful news for others to come to know Him!
    • Pray for the feet of our KingsGate family! That our feet would be fitted with readiness to share the Good News of Christ and our personal testimonies. Declare blessings upon our steps as we venture into new territories, reach new people, and embrace new experiences, becoming effective carriers of His Kingdom.
    • Pray for Christians around the world who are sharing the Good News and facing persecution and spiritual attacks. Ask for God’s protection and blessing upon them, that the flaming arrows of the enemy would be extinguished by their shield of faith and that they would be safeguarded by His holy protection. (Click here to access further resources developed by Open Doors to help you as you pray.)

Carmel and Ioana in Poarta Regelui, Cluj

After 14 years of living in the UK, and serving our KingsGate family, Carmel and Ioana moved back to their home country of Romania in March 2023,  to take the vision and values of KingsGate and plant a church.


  • Carmel and Ioana: Pray for strength, inspiration, and perseverance.
  • Their team: Pray for God to build them up, revealing His power. Pray for T’ai and Margarita, who are moving from KingsGate, Peterborough, on 12 October to join the team. Pray for provision and peace as they settle in.
  • Salvation for their city of Cluj: Many are hungry for God’s transformation. Pray also for their Youth Alpha group, which recently started with 15 participants.
  • Romania: Pray for aid to reach those affected by recent flooding and for open doors for the gospel particularly during this time.

Pray for great leadership to be elected in the upcoming elections, leaders who will honour and guide Romania with integrity and justice.