Come to the Altar of Incense and devote yourself to Intercessory Prayer
Having spent time being filled with the Spirit, represented by the Candlestick, and feeding on Christ at the Table of Showbread, we now move on towards the Altar of Incense. This was smaller and higher than the Brazen Altar and was positioned right before the veil leading into the Most Holy Place. Revelation 5 tells us that in heaven we see those around the throne, falling down in worship before the Lamb, each one having a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. Here we see a wonderful combination between the harp (worship) and the bowls (prayers).
The Altar of Incense is where we come, in an atmosphere of worship, to engage in intercessory prayer. It’s wonderful to know that this is not just our own activity but is a partnership with the Holy Spirit who, intercedes for us… in accordance with the will of God (see Romans 8:27) and with Jesus our Great High Priest, who always lives to intercede for us (see Hebrews 7:25).
Daily devotional
by Nkiru Oluwatosin
The Holy Spirit gives us two primary ways that we can do this. The first is by filling us and giving us the gifts of tongues (see 1 Corinthians 14:13-14) whereby we can sing and pray in languages that are unknown to us and can be either human or angelic tongues. This is a powerful way to pray. If you don’t speak in tongues, then you can ask God who delights to give you this gift (see Luke 11:13).
- If you do speak in tongues, make time for some extended time to pray, expecting the Lord to take you deeper in this.
The second way to intercede is through praying with our understanding, especially focusing on the central theme of the Lord’s Prayer: Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it in Heaven.
– Matthew 6:10
- Why not take time to pray this prayer and make this declaration over:
Your own life
Your family and friends
Your church family
Your world
The Prayer Shield p12-13 can help you to pray for your relationships.
worship song
I Speak Jesus