One of the most remarkable promises that Jesus gave us was that we could pray in His name, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, I will do it. If you love me, you will obey what I command.” John 14:13-14. The phrase ‘in my name’ means ‘under my authority’. As one author has put it: ‘He [Jesus] won back the authority we were created to carry but lost. To pray is to experience the very same access to God the Father that Jesus has. (Tyler Staton). ‘In Jesus’ name’ was never meant to become just a fitting tagline at the end of the prayers of experienced Christians. But rather, it’s exercising and invoking the incredible power of Jesus’ victory on the cross. Pause for a moment and reflect on this amazing privilege! Let’s remind ourselves that we have access to the very throne room of God, the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus (see Hebrews 10). However, as with most of God’s promises, there is a condition attached; that we obey the commands of Jesus. As we saw in Day 2. Jesus says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” John 15:7. Obeying Jesus should never be onerous or burdensome. That’s not to say it’s always easy, or that sacrifice is not involved. But wholehearted obedience through a fully surrendered life brings a deep spiritual joy that cannot be compared to, leading to a greater assurance of faith that what we’re asking for will come to pass. “Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you… Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” John 16:23-24. When we are fully convinced of this, we can ask for our own needs and the needs of others with a sense of boldness and confidence.
To pray in Jesus’ name…means that we enter into Jesus’ status in God’s favour and invoke Jesus’ standing with God.
– Larry Hurtado, NT Scholar
by Samson Abioye
Prayer points
- Spend some time reflecting today on the fact that you have been given the incredible privilege of being able to pray in the ‘Name of Jesus’. In the same way that Jesus expected His Father to answer His prayers, so can you!
- Are there any areas of disobedience in your life that might be hindering your prayers from being answered? If so, confess and repent of them. You might want to share with a trusted friend to stand with you and agree with you for a breakthrough.
- Pray that, as a church, we would grow in our knowledge and revelation of what it means to stand on the promises of God, which are ‘yes and amen in Christ Jesus’. God loves His children and wants us to have confidence in His promises, no matter what is happening in our lives, or the uncertainty of the world.